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Home again, home again, jiggety-jog. . .

Life didn't stop while I was in Dallas.

This was news to me.

My thoughts and emotions might have been wrapped up in storylines and character motivations, but life went on as usual in Georgia.

Laundry. Dishes. Bathtime. More laundry. Tears. Laughter. More laundry.

You get the picture.

And now that I'm back among the "normals," (this expression is not a negative, just a fact. We writers are weird.) I'm trying to remember that "balance" is my new mantra.

Proofread a chapter.

Feed the kids.

Brainstorm new titles.

Lesson plans for next week for school.

Make dinner.

Sneak in an hour of editing.

It's all a balance. Or maybe a juggling act. So I'm going to throw a few pins in the air and know that God is strong enough to catch them.

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