Fifteen and counting. . .

I have written fifteen novels. (gasp)
I sat down today and counted them all.
And that doesn't count all the stories I've outlined or written a few chapters of.
Fifteen is a lot.
Now, four of them are in terrible shape because I wrote them before I knew what I was doing. Seven are already self-published. Two are in various stages of editing, but have never been read by another living soul. And two are currently getting rewritten for a prospective literary agent.
Fifteen novels in four years. That's a little crazy.
My strategey at first was to write as fast as possible (sometimes up to three manuscripts at once) and just push through them. Not something my writing teacher would recommend. I finally started slowing down enough to edit, but not very well. Then last year I concentrated not just on finishing books but finishing them well.
The last one takes a lot more time and tears, but is completely worth it.
So now, I am coming up on a new phase of this crazy journey. I am going to slow down. Just a little, mind you.
Yes, I should go back and fix the problems in the first books. But yes, this book in my head still preoccupies me to no end. Some would say I should finish this current book and not start any more until the others are done.
I can go ahead and tell you that won't happen. I have tried and failed at that at least fourteen times.
So, I will write one chapter. Only one. Then I will work on my to-do list for the rest of the day. Then tomorrow, I will write another chapter. And so forth and so on for as long as I can stand it.
I'll let you know how it goes.