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They shall be conquerors...

Teaching three children to read will teach you a thing or two.

Like, how hard teachers work. Teachers are the most amazing thing. And a good one is worth much more than they'll ever be paid.

Teachers like my mom. She taught kids to read for 35 years. Hundreds of kids. Maybe thousands. She taught children who grew up and had children. And then she taught their children.

And she's the reason I loved to read. And one of the reasons I ever attempted writing in the first place. She taught me not to give up when it was hard. She taught me that when you hit a wall, you don't stop. You climb it. You claw yourself over it. You conquer.

That's success to me. Climbing walls that should be too high. Walls everyone else has determined to be impossible, or too much work, or too much trouble.

Sometimes I quit, sure. But more often than not, I come back to that wall more determined. More sure. And more often than not, I conquer.

Hopefully I can teach that to my children too. I pray they'll be conquerors.

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