Like the white rabbit...
Sometimes life gets in the way. (And even as I typed that I cringed.) I hate feeling like that white rabbit and hopping around saying,...

When to step back...
Hard work. Dedication. All-consuming focus and drive. Rejection. Lingering doubt. Sleepless nights. Lots of prayer. And sometimes will...

Reading your own reviews...
Like googling yourself, reading your own book's reviews is quite dangerous. I still do it. Not regularly, mind you, because if I read...

Like a hamster on a wheel...
I am the poster child for pushing through. I do not quit. Nor dawdle. I run full speed and head first at my goals in effort to reach or...

When the answer is no.
What do you do when you do everything they ask and the answer is still no? I've contemplated this for several days now. And I've come to...