Blog tours and thanks...
I just wanted to thank all the awesome blog tour hosts that helped me promote my blog tour last week. It was a super-successful tour and...

Blog Tour Day...
Today is the day. Blog Tour Day. #blogtour #author

Writing books in my head again...
I've got stories swirling in my head again. Characters are carrying on conversations, titles are popping up out of nowhere and the...

Off the Social Media Grid...
I have been busy with my life and away from my social media contacts for a while now. I think its good to step back and focus on the...

These days of Autumn...
I am finally caught up, up-to-date and back on track. It feels like it's been years instead of just weeks since I actually accomplished...

Like the white rabbit...
Sometimes life gets in the way. (And even as I typed that I cringed.) I hate feeling like that white rabbit and hopping around saying,...

Maybe you should learn to knit instead.
You write another book. And a book proposal. And a book synopsis. And put in the edits for all three. And again. One more time. And send...

When to step back...
Hard work. Dedication. All-consuming focus and drive. Rejection. Lingering doubt. Sleepless nights. Lots of prayer. And sometimes will...

Reading your own reviews...
Like googling yourself, reading your own book's reviews is quite dangerous. I still do it. Not regularly, mind you, because if I read...

Like a hamster on a wheel...
I am the poster child for pushing through. I do not quit. Nor dawdle. I run full speed and head first at my goals in effort to reach or...