Sometimes, the best chapters I write are written during a time of chaos. Don't get me wrong, chaos is a constant for me. Screaming,...

Sometimes, it's the act of getting away.
Hubby walks in. He says "Let's go camping." So we go. We don't plan. We don't worry. We just pack the clean clothes and load the trunk...

Waiting Grace.
Our last pastor always said that God has special grace for his children. There is baby-birthing grace. And dying-day grace. There is...

The 6 page synopsis. . .
How do I boil a 60k word manuscript down to 6 pages? The answer is: Not very well. This is new for me and there is a learning curve....

One of those days. . .
Every writer has those days. The days that are not for writing. You set aside the time. You might even leave the house. You put on your...

Just hit send.
I emailed my baby (I mean, manuscript) today. I emailed it to a literary agent. Not my mother. Not my best friend. Not even a...

Quiet but not idle. . .
Lots going on here. Crazy things. Unexpected things. I'm tired. The end. #thoughts

The final countdown. . .
(It is totally okay if the lyrics to that song just popped into your head. I'm humming it while I type.) In seven days I will email my...

Birthdays and clean bathrooms. . .
There is nothing in the world like a clean house. Clean toilet, clean kitchen, clean sheets. Now I haven't seen one in quite a while...

When it rains. . .
It pours. And floods. It fills our yard and surrounds our house. The creeks rise and overflow. The newspeople call for flash floods and...