Sometimes it's not easy. . .
Wife. Mother. Teacher. Friend. Daughter. Writer. Sister. Aunt. Photographer. Quilter. Maid. Chef. Housekeeper. Nanny. Blogger. Other....

First draft. . .
The first draft never looks much like the final one. This is a fact I am learning. And its okay. It's okay that the characters change....

Fifteen and counting. . .
I have written fifteen novels. (gasp) I sat down today and counted them all. And that doesn't count all the stories I've outlined or...

Just breathe. . .
I'm not really a beach person. I never have been. I grew up an hour from the gulf coast and can count the number of times I went during...

Fear. . .
As a child, I was terrified of spiders. I'm not sure my family even knew. I think I feared someone finding out and putting spiders in my...

A thought on literary agents...
I met with agents from four literary agencies while at ACFW. Lots more were represented, but those are the agents I was able to talk...

still simmering. . .
I've been thinking through everything I learned last week. Not just the classes and interviews and networking. I learned a lot about...

Home again, home again, jiggety-jog. . .
Life didn't stop while I was in Dallas. This was news to me. My thoughts and emotions might have been wrapped up in storylines and...

Reflections on a writing conference by a writer (or someone who wants to be)
You always want to wow them. There is no way that someone who has written and published books from their home for five years could ever...

What you think is your future might just be the light of a train headed your way. . .
I may have won over an agent today. I'm still a little shocked by it. But, for some reason, he liked me. He liked my story. I may not...